24 July 2007

World of diablo

World of diablo?hmmm......it talks about a quest that will pull you into the very dephts of hell itselfs....and beyond. An unknown force of evil has swept accross the land. Plunging into civil war and terrorizing populace. ONly a hero can prevent it from athe power of evil

A mad king and a mysterious archbishops are all pieces to the puzzle that faces you. You have journey to the land of evil. The town of tristan, now inhabited by a only a handful of survivors. The cathedral here is built over the ruins of the ancient monastary, and now eeri lights and source are heard enchoing throughts its abandoned halls.

1 comment:

pjjamio.blogspot.com said...

Hmmmmmm....the wold of Diablo Ka jan.. pataka lang ka dapat the world of LAKE..... jejejejeje charing lang....