26 July 2007

My MOst Valuable Things

The most priceless being in my life is "MY FAMILY"(mother, father, sister, etc.),it's because without them I wouldn't be here by now, without them I wouldn't have a chance to meet people as nice as you do...and yeah...it's you!:-p, and most of all,without them I wouldn't be able to see how wonderful the world is. I know all of us value our family the most..right?and if ever you say:"No,I don't value my family",I can only say two(2) words for you:"YOUR DAMN!".

I have a lot of reasons why I choose "MY FAMILY" as the most priceless being in the whole wide world,First,it's my choice...Second,they're the one who molded me as a responsible person by now,Lastly,they're the one who teaches me to choose from what is right and wrong. But being in a practical world some of us don't remember our family as the most important beings in this world, it's because most of us are being too materialistic,but who cares it's your choice not mine...:-p,this is the only thing that I could say to you people who are being too materialistic,"Value your family especially your parents before it's too late".(n_n)

24 July 2007

My Experienced during our first Prelim exam

Ahmm!!my first experienced during our prelims??,,what "kaya"??,,Ahmm!!maybe,,same as usuall,,I fell nervous.Everytime i'll take examinations I really felt nervous. You know why??,,because I think I cant answer those questions given to me properly..But when Im starting reading those questions,,my nervous starting to fall down. And when the examinatiion was ended I felt "parang wala lang".

And what Im looking forward to our midterm is I want to learn more things and explore many experiences.And I hope,, I will not get nervuos when Im taking my midterms. So that I can concentrate answering. Because for me,,midterm is more important than prelims. (Thats all..)

World of diablo

World of diablo?hmmm......it talks about a quest that will pull you into the very dephts of hell itselfs....and beyond. An unknown force of evil has swept accross the land. Plunging into civil war and terrorizing populace. ONly a hero can prevent it from athe power of evil

A mad king and a mysterious archbishops are all pieces to the puzzle that faces you. You have journey to the land of evil. The town of tristan, now inhabited by a only a handful of survivors. The cathedral here is built over the ruins of the ancient monastary, and now eeri lights and source are heard enchoing throughts its abandoned halls.